Escuela Técnica Superior de
Ingeniería y Sistemas de Telecomunicación
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


The Museum of the Telecommunications of the ETSIST South Campus UPM, gathers an important collection of over six hundred pieces of great historical value besides some one them with remarkable aesthetic value. This collection reflects the historical evolution of Telecommunications: Morse appliances, phonographs, old telephones, switchboards, vintage radios, data transmission equipment, computers and a vast number of equipments deposited in the museum (Block II and Block III) and in different windows laid out across the School.

The Museum of the School collaborates with several activities of scientific and informative character which are organized from the School itself, as well as from other institutions. These visits can be arranged during the Semana de la Ciencia de la Comunidad de Madrid (The Science Week) and during Open Days.

Rotary Central Switching

Before a small review of the ETSIST museum is necessary to thank the efforts made by Jesus de la Calle and Jose Maria Romeo to collect the vast quantity of elements that compose the museum (including more than 120 scientific and technical books dating from the end nineteenth and early twentieth century).

It was Jesus de la Calle who was commissioned to prepare a local and order showcases to show the equipments that he had acquired by searching for devices and systems in antiques and flea markets, as well as other elements obtained from donations and cesiones.This labor of acquisition and showcasing of the museum was followed by Jose Maria Romeo until today, counting on the invaluable assistance of Rosario Franco.

Some of the most valuable pieces are the Breuget and Foy-Breguet telegraphic receivers built in the mid-nineteenth century originally from the Direccion General de Correos y Telegrafos (The Directorate-General of Posts and Telegraphs).

Another very important part in the museum, is the one corresponding to the extensive collection of measuring instruments, a collection which includes equipments built since the mid-nineteenth century. Being remarkable the part that relates to the  Wheatstone bridges.


Foy-Breguet Receptor

It is also remarkable the presence of Morse receptors from different sources (Germany, France, Spain ....), in the museum , and the extensive collection of radio receivers available to the museum, with some very striking in view such as "the receiver book, or chapel-like receptors.

Book Receptor Telephone  

The museum has many more elements, such as telephones (most notably the phone spider), teletype, telephone exchanges, phonographs, gramophones and other audio equipment, televisions, instrumentation, some of the first computers, etc. ...


Obviously, the best way to know the museum is going into it to ask for a guided tour, or simply watching the display cases shown around the school, paying particular attention to the new premises of the museum, which through its glass walls, allows a quick view of the most significant elements of the museum.

You can see all the pieces in the museum on the UPM digital archive webpage: Museo de las Telecomuniucaciones

Local of the Museum in Block III

Visit schedule :
Tuesday 12:00 pm to 14:00 pm upon request

Contact: Rafael Herradón



A summary of some major historical milestones related to telecommunications and the equipments in the museum are included in this booklet.

The following link is to a brief overview of the museum within the university museums network incorporated in Madrid I+D (R & D):

To see the equipment available and updated information visit: