Escuela Técnica Superior de
Ingeniería y Sistemas de Telecomunicación
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Historical Outline

There were several attempts during the nineteeth Century to create Schools to establish the Telegraph Technical studies, considered the first Telecommunication professionals. However, it is not until 1913 when, by "El Real Decreto de 3 de junio", the Telegraphy General School is established definitively, being a teaching centre in charge of the Telegraphic studies. Necessary knowledge was acquired to develop in Spain all the telecommunication services becoming considered as the first Escuela de Telecomunicaciones.

The Telegraphy General School is reformed by the “Real Decreto de 22 de abril de 1920”, establishing three teaching degrees: elemental, intermediate and advance. The last one includes the Telecommunication Engineering formal education, while the intermediate degree studies would allow obtaining the Mechanic Technical degree, starting point of the current Telecommunication Technical Engineering career. These teachings are consolidated from the beginning with the creation of the Escuela Oficial de Telecomunicaciónl from the Escuela General de Telegrafía by the “Real Decreto de 20 de septiembre de 1930”. In addition, besides the auxiliary and official Telegraphy degrees, are included the following studies:

- Lines Technical Officer, Technical Officer of Facilities and Equipment.
- Wireless operator, Radio telephonists and Radio communication Appraisers.
- Telecommunication Engineer.

“El Decreto de 13 de enero de 1946” removes the teachings of Technical and Appraisers Officers and establishes the Telecommunication Assistants with two specialities: Radio and Lines and Centrals. The first building was expressively built to house the Telecommunication Official School opened in 1954 in Conde de Peñalver 19 St.

 “La Ley de Ordenación de las Enseñanzas Técnicas de 20 de julio de 1957” transfers all the Technical Schools to the Ministry of Education and by the “Decreto de la Presidencia de Gobierno de 13 de septiembre de 1957” were created the Engineering and the Telecommunication Surveyors Schools. This last one with the following sections:

     - Radio Communication 
     - Lines and Centrals
     - Electronics

  Official Telecommunication School, Conde de Peñalver 


    2nd promotion of Telecommunications Experts, 1964  

According to the provisions of the “Ley de Reordenación de las Enseñanzas Técnicas, Ley 2/1964 de 29 de abril”, the middle level graduate technical education passes consist of three courses during which basic disciplines were taught, during the first course, and the own disciplines from the speciality with practical character within the two following courses.

“La Orden Ministerial de 29 de septiembre de 1966” changed the designation of the Appraisal Shools by the Technical Engineering Schools according and in accordance with the rprovisions of “el Decreto 148/1969 de 13 de febrero”, the middle-level technicians are renamed  Technical Engineers according to their majors.

By virtue of this Decree, the specialities that were attended in the Telecommunication Technical Engineering Schools were:

- Radio communication
- Telegraphic and Telephonic Facilities
- Electronic Equipments
- Sound

In 1971, and from the Ley General de Educación, the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid is founded at which the Escuela de Ingeniería Técnica de Telecomunicación de Madrid was included by Decreto 1377/1972, de 10 de mayo, under the new name of Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica de Telecomunicación requiring completion of studies to obtain the Technical Engineering degree under the correspondent major. That same year is introduced, with general application enforcement, the first course in the School according to the system and regime of the Ley General de Educación. The majors taught under the new Study Plan were:

- Radiocommunication
- Telephony and Data Transmission
- Electronic Equipments
- Vision and Sound

The Telecommunication Technical Engineering School has been taught in different locations (Mounts Appraisals, Agricultural Appraisal and Graphic Arts Schools) at the same time that some of the original classrooms were kept in Conde de Peñalver, until in 1972 in which is moved to the current location in the Campus Sur of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, in  Valencia Road Km. 7.



Telecommunication School,  Valencia Road


Kings Visit to the Telecommunication School in June of 1990  

In 1992, and according to what was approved by the "Reales Decretos 1451/1991, 1453/1991, 1454/1991 y 1455/1991, de 30 de agosto", were established the studies plans general guidelines that should be taken for the fulfillment and homologation of university studies of:

- Electronics Systems Technical Engineer
- Sound and Image Technical Engineer
- Telematics Technical Engineer
- Telecommunication SystemsTechnical Engineer


Three years later, "el Real Decreto 50/1995 contains a resolution of the Supreme Court Third Chamber, which considered that in the denomination of the degrees should include the academic itinerary followed by the correspondent major. Therefore, the degrees that were expedited by the School are defined as follows:

- Telecommunication Technical Engineer, Electronics Systems major
- Telecommunication Technical Engineer, Sound and Image major
- Telecommunication Technical Engineer, Telematics major
- Telecommunication Technical Engineer, Telecommunication Systems major

In 1998, "el Real Decreto 779/1998, de 30 de abril" amends the general common guidelines of the study plans adopted in 1992, forcing to a revision of them. As a result, in 2000 new study plans were approved and have been taught from 2001/2002 course, keeping the same names for the degrees. From the academic year 1992/92 to 2007/08 have graduated from the EUIT Telecommunication of the UPM a total of 5,233 students.

In March 2006, la Comunidad de Madrid authorized the teaching of the Postgraduate Program in System Engineering and the Accessible Services for the Information Society proposed and organized by the E.U.I.T of Telecommunication , which includes the teachings directed to obtain the Master and Doctorate degrees. These teachings began to be taught in 2006-2007 academic year, increasing gradually the number of enrolled students. In October-November of 2008 graduated the first Master students.

Currently the Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica de Telecomunicación is in the process of adaptation to the European Higher Education Frame, with the incorporation in progress of the Degrees of Grado (240 ECTS and 4 years length) in the 2009/10, after having been verified in may 2009 by ANECA (Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de Calidad) the following degrees are proposed:

It has also been verified by ANECA the studies in Master in Acoustic Engineering for the Edification and Environment , once approved by the UPM Government Council of January 31, 2008.

In 2013, by Order 2090/2013, 27th june, Community of Madrid, is authorized to change the name of the center and renamed as Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería y Sistemas de Telecomunicación. This change is effective since its inscription in the Register of Universities, Schools and Degrees (RUCT).