Profesores e infraestructuras
The great majority of the lecturers of the Master in Internet of Things have a PhD degree and a teaching and research experience that is well aligned with the Master’s objectives.
The participating lecturers are with the following departments:
- Departamento de Ingeniería Telemática y Electrónica - Telematic and Electronic Engineering (DTE-ETSIST) of the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería y Sistemas de Telecomunicación of UPM.
- Sistemas Informáticos - Informatic Systems (SI-ETSISI) of the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Sistemas Informáticos of UPM.
They also participate as members of research groups, whose updated information and activity can be found at the Observatorio de I+D+i de la UPM (UPM’s R&D&i Watch). Click on the name of each teacher to have more information.
The names of the teachers that participate in each of the courses of the Master can be found in the corresponding learning guides, which can be downloaded from menu “Current academic year” -> “Learning guides” (“Curso actual” -> Guías de aprendizaje”) of this website.
Facilities and assistant staff
The two participating schools (Telecommunications Systems and Engineering - ETSIST, and Informatics Systems Engineering – ETSISI) of UPM, together with the UPM’s South Campus, where they are located, offer a set of base services important to the teaching activities and the research groups that work in it:
- Informatics and Communications services (ETSIST , ETSISI), providing all the necessary communications and infrastructures access and support.
- UPM's South Campus University library, with its ample bibliographic resources catalogue and physical spaces.
- Subscriptions and access to many relevant scientific journals, publishers, organizations, bodies and databases.
- Internet access through the "Eduroam" WiFi, available to any student, teacher or researcher of the Eduroam associated institutions worldwide.
The classes of this Master take place in fully equipped rooms and laboratories where each student has a connected PC at their disposal with all the necessary software to follow the courses and access to all the needed external services. For some courses, students can also use their own laptops if they wish. Besides, specific and more specialized hardware and equipment is available for courses whose contents require it. In summary, all the spaces and equipment that guarantee a correct acquisition of the degree’s competences are provided in enough quantity by the schools and departments involved.
To complement the face-to-face teaching, UPM uses Moodle as the learning management system through which all significant on-line resources of each course are maintained.
The research groups whose teachers participate in the Master have the spaces, equipment and the means required for their research activities. Some of the Master’s Theses are supervised in these groups, leveraging all their knowledge, expertise and facilities, and possibly those of the external institutions with which they collaborate (e.g. CIEMAT, ITER, etc.).
The activity carried out by the groups makes them, together with UPM's own R&D funding calls, capable of providing financial support for scholarships, researchers' contracts, mobility actions and attendance to congresses and workshops, something that can also be very interesting to a subset of the students developing their Master’s Thesis.
Last but not least, the assistant and administrative staff of the two participating schools take care of the technical support (laboratory assistants who maintain each of the laboratory facilities) and administrative tasks (enrolment and the rest of the students secretariat activities), as well as other important functions such as giving specific information to foreign students. All these activities are considered key to a correct development of all teaching activities, and are treated as such by ETSIST and ETSISI.