Plan de estudios
The contents of the Master in Internet of Things are structured in five subject areas, and each of these is developed by one or several courses. All the courses are Mandatory in this study plan. For each academic course, the learning guides of all the courses will be available through the sections "Current academic year" -> "Learning guides" ("Curso actual" -> "Guías de aprendizaje") of this website.
The following table summarizes the subject areas, the courses of each one, the academic period in which each course is taught (FALL or SPRING), and the number of ECTS credits per course.
Subject area Materia |
Course Asignatura |
Period Periodo |
Embedded systems and IoT devices Sistemas Embebidos y dispositivos IoT |
Embedded platforms and communications for IoT Plataformas Embebidas y Comunicaciones para IoT |
FALL | 4.5 |
Mobile Devices Programming Programación de Dispositivos Móviles |
FALL | 4.5 | |
Sensor Networks Redes de Sensores |
FALL | 4.5 | |
Cyberphysical systems modelling Modelado de Sistemas Ciberfísicos |
FALL | 4.5 | |
Service Architectures and Security for IoT Arquitecturas de Servicio y Seguridad para IoT |
Distributed Systems for IoT Sistemas Distribuidos para IoT |
FALL | 4.5 |
Architectures and service platforms Arquitecturas y Plataformas de Servicios |
FALL | 4.5 | |
Information Models Modelos de Información |
FALL | 3 | |
Security for IoT Applications Seguridad para Aplicaciones IoT |
SPRING | 4.5 | |
Information and knowledge management Gestión de la información y del conocimiento en IoT |
Big Data Applications for IoT Aplicaciones de Gestión de Datos Masivos en IoT |
SPRING | 4.5 |
Cloud computing for IoT Computación en la Nube para IoT |
SPRING | 4.5 | |
Intelligent Applications Aplicaciones inteligentes |
Intelligent Applications using IoT devices Aplicaciones Inteligentes usando dispositivos IoT |
SPRING | 4.5 |
Master thesis Trabajo Fin de Máster |
Master Thesis Trabajo Fin de Master |
SPRING | 12 |