Trabajo Fin de Máster
Important: Download and read the complete Master’s Thesis regulation from this link. The contents of this page are only a summary of that regulation.
The Master's Thesis (MT) is compulsory in the MUIoT study plan. It is worth 12 ECTS and its examination must be the last that the student does in the programme after passing the rest of the Master courses. This MT must be an original work performed individually by the student under the guidance of a tutor. There exists the possibility of having a MT director who is not a teacher of the programme. In this latter case, the director will supervise all the technical work of the MT, whereas the tutor, who must be a programme’s teacher, will make sure that the regulations related to the MT are respected.
During the development of the MT, the student exercises the competences acquired through the subjects he/she has followed in order to carry out an engineering or innovation project, or a research work, aligned with the educational objectives of the Master’s program.
Summary of the Master’s Thesis procedure
- Topic of the MT: the student has to agree with a teacher of the Master, who will act as the MT tutor (or an external director + a teacher of the Master who will act as the MT tutor), on a topic and the main objectives of the MT to be carried out under his/her guidance.
- MT project: six weeks before the MT exam (the latest), the Master's Thesis project (Anteproyecto de Trabajo Fin de Máster) has to be presented in the Academic Secretariat of the ETSIST, signed by the student, tutor (and director, if applicable). This document has to be validated by the Master’s Academic Coordination Commission and uploaded to the academic platform of the University. There is a specific template to be used for this document (see below), which has to be no longer than five pages and written in English.
- MT manuscript: it describes the main aspects of the work carried out during the MT, and must be in English. Five working days before the Master’s Thesis exam, a PDF file with the content of the manuscript must be uploaded to the academic electronic platform used in the Master’s program. One printed copy of the manuscript signed by the student and the tutor (and director if there is one) must be presented in the Academic Secretariat of the ETSIST. The first page of the document has to strictly follow a specific format (see below). The complete Master’s Thesis regulation document specifies the chapters that the manuscript has to include, together with their maximum lengths.
- MT dissertation (exam): it consists of an oral presentation, 20 minutes long, performed in English by the student in front of a board of three examiners, who will pose questions at the end that the student has to answer. This defense is public. The notification of date, hour and place of the defense will be published together with the board of three examiners sufficiently in advance of the MT exam. The quality of the work performed, the manuscript written by the student, the oral presentation and the defense will determine the grade obtained for the Master's Thesis. Each member of the board fills a MT evaluation report (see below) to justify the grade.
Downloadable documents
- Master's Thesis proposal template.
- Master’s Thesis project template (to be presented six weeks before the MT exam, the latest).
- MT manuscript (to be presented five working days before the MT exam, the latest):
- Master's Thesis evaluation report for MT tutors.
- Master's Thesis evaluation report for external directors.
- Master’s Thesis evaluation report (to be filled by each member of the MT examination board).
- Agreement for the electronic publication and online publication of the final master's degree project/thesis (more information): Spanish version / English version.
Defense of the MIoT Master's Thesis ONLINE (under exceptional circumstances)
The Academic Committee of the Master in IoT has approved the procedure to follow in order to perform the oral presentaion and defense of the MIoT Master's Thesis ONLINE. If you want to follow this procedure, make sure to read carefully the document describing the steps to follow and talk previously with your tutor (and director if you also have an external director). These are the corresponding documents (they are in Spanish; if you need any clarification in English, contact