Escuela Técnica Superior de
Ingeniería y Sistemas de Telecomunicación
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Magalhães Network

Magalhães network is a cooperation programme between European and Latin American universities. It is leaded and coordinated by the UPM. Within the network, there is the SMILE Programme (Student Mobility in Latin-America, Caribbean and Europe), which has the purpose of encouraging the student mobility between both sides of the Atlantic.

This Programme is also known as the "Latin-American Erasmus" and it was started up in the year 2006/2007.

ETSIST has an agreement with the following Universities:

The amount of the grant is 3.000 euros (only one semester).

All the information and forms on the Network's website.

Requirements for the students:

  • To be enrolled at the UPM
  • To have attended the first two years
  • Non-participating before in SMILE
  • Failed subjects at the Sending University cannot be studied during the exchange

Required documents:

  • Identity card or  passport photocopy
  • CV with current photo
  • Transcript of records
  • Motivation letter:
    - Areas of interest
    - Subjects or Project to carry out
    - Dates for the exchange
    - Host University
  • Language proficiency certificate

Once the student is accepted by both the ETSIST and UPM committees, the student must hand in the official forms:

  • Learning Agreement
  • Application form


The renunciations must be informed by a written document to the UPM's International Office and to SREI, within a period of 10 days since the publication of the Rector's Resolution.

Steps for the selected students.