Logo GDEM Grupo de Diseño Electrónico y Microelectrónico Logo UPM
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Camino de la Arboleda, s/n 28031 - MADRID (España)
email: Email address
Dpto. de Ingeniería Telemática y Electrónica
Tfno. y fax: (+34) 91 336 78 01

MR-UHDTV: Mixed Reality over Ultra High Definition TeleVision.




2014 - 2016


This project aims at pushing forward the technologies involved in mixed reality image and video processing algorithms for analysis and encoding making contributions in the areas of acquisition, characterization, compression, delivery, and visualization of mixed reality audiovisual media. Stemming from this main objective, several topics helping the enhancement of mixed reality are considered. Thus, activities within the video analysis cover camera calibration, detection and tracking of significant elements, perceptual computing, environment characterization, scene modeling, and scene understanding. On representation and delivery there is a main focus on ultra high definition and the targets are compression algorithms, parallel, real-time energy-aware implementations, adaptive streaming, and quality evaluation. Moreover, there are several tasks on visualization to render the final mixed reality. As the project also looks for internationalization, there is an important coordination effort with other national and international research groups and an active participation in standardization bodies, mainly in MPEG. Additionally, the technical contributions of the project are integrated into a MR-UHDTV system allowing the testing of the combined modules as well as helping in the dissemination of the outcomes of the project.