Logo GDEM Grupo de Diseño Electrónico y Microelectrónico Logo UPM
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Camino de la Arboleda, s/n 28031 - MADRID (España)
email: Email address
Dpto. de Ingeniería Telemática y Electrónica
Tfno. y fax: (+34) 91 336 78 01

PRO-TVD: Integral project for DTV research


Comunidad de Madrid (PRICIT S-0505/TIC-0398)


2006 - 2009


This project is carried out in collaboration with other research groups which have an important expertise in Digital Televisión and Communications. Its aim is to develope a research plan to address the study of present technological solutions involved in the terrestrial digital TV deployment and its evolution in the near future.